Parents & Students


EMS celebrates Veteran's Day by honoring those who have served and for those who are currently serving.


EMS community members and PTO organizing the 5th Walk or Bike to School Day.

East Middle School believes that education and learning are shared responsibilities of the student, family, community, and school system.

Our school system encourages all parents/guardians to support their child's learning by:
  • Encouraging regular school attendance
  • Ensuring arrival to school on time, equipped with the necessary supplies
  • Encouraging  positive school behavior
  • Monitoring academic progress
  • Encouraging the positive use of  extracurricular time
  • Teaching social skills to promote positive interactions
  • Volunteering in the school and classroom if time or schedule permits
  • Attending parent-teacher conferences and participate, when appropriate, in decisions relating to educational programs
We encourage all students to support their learning by:
  • Attending school regularly and arriving on time
  • Asking for help when necessary at school and home
  • Completing assignments on time
  • Displaying positive and respectful behaviors to increase learning
  • Making a genuine effort to do the best work possible
  • Discussing the school day and sharing school information with parents