MISSION STATEMENT: East Middle School strives to educate all students by providing a challenging curriculum so that students can attain the skills necessary to become lifelong learners and responsible, productive citizens.
I will always do my best/give my best effort..
I will always act nice.
I will always use good manners.
I will be responsible, respectful, and ready to learn.
I will always show respect to others.
I will congratulate my classmates and celebrate their successes with them.
I will always be honest, no matter the circumstances.
I will be efficient organized and on task when in class.
I will complete all assigned work each day.
I will exhibit politeness and kindness when the opportunity presents itself.
If any student in this school is bothering me or others, I will let a teacher or administrator know immediately.
“Too Sick For School”
TCS strives to provide the healthiest environment for our students and staff. Please assist us in this goal by following these too-sick-for-school guidelines when deciding on whether you should send your child to school.
Do not send your child to school:
- If your child has had any vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours.
- If your child has had a fever within 24 hours. They may return to school when fever free without any pain/fever-reducing medication for 24 hours.
- With pink eye until they have received treatment for 24 hours and have no eye drainage.
- With strep throat until they have taken their antibiotic for 24 hours.
Additional information:
- Students may not return to school earlier than the date listed on the doctor’s note. The student's return date must also comply with the “Too Sick for School” Guidelines
- If students test positive for Covid, they may return to school once symptom-free for 24 hours.
- Please make sure to keep the school updated with current phone contact information.
- Parents will be notified to pick up their child who arrives at school too sick for school or who becomes ill while at school.
- Parents/guardians have 5 “Parent Notes” excuses for the school year.
Remember, frequent hand washing with soap and water or using hand sanitizer when soap and water are unavailable is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs.
EMS Handbook
- Accidents
- Announcements
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Assignments/Make-up Work
- Athletic Programs
- Athletics Transportation
- Attendance
- Backpacks
- Before and After School Programming (21st Century Grant)
- Cafeteria
- Cameras/Camera Phones
- Cancellation of School
- Cheating
- Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
- Check-out
- Chromebooks
- Clubs/Extracurricular Activities
- Conferences
- Counseling
- Deliveries
- Detention
- Discipline
- Dress Code
- Emergency Information
- Evacuation Plan
- Fees
- Field Trips
- Food
- Grading Policy
- Grade Reports
- Homework Hotline
- Illnesses
- Library
- Lockers
- Locks
- Medications
- Moment of Silence/Panther Pause
- Personal Property
- Principal's List/Honor Roll
- School Telephone
- Student Media Access Opt-Out/Student Privacy Information
- Tardiness
- Textbooks
- Withdrawal
- Vehicles
- VIP Lounge
- Visitors
- Website